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In a simulation of the world being utilized as a spirit scan in a temporary timeline, the ancient artificial intelligence that Christ and Lucifer battled has made avatars, bots and zombies of the masses of humans.

Those zombies are programmed to certain behaviors designed to kill Positive Frequency Resonance and replace it with Negative Frequency Resonance...

Zombies often resort to the same behaviors, as if it's the only things their Illuminati masters will allow them to do:

They can be found trolling the internet, bullying, making negative comments, thumbs downing and flagging the content of others.

They often ignore and neglect the living (other people and animals) to pay attention to the inanimate, like their phones, social media and video games.

Zombies got duped into thinking that they're anti-establishment while obeying corporate masters to desecrate the cities, landmarks, statues and monuments that other generations built and maintained for centuries.

Zombies never got taught the truth about this spirit scan that we're in or the non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memory they're equipped with that even records their thoughts and omissions.

They don't know about the "do unto others" clause that will lock them to being time looped (when they die) as their victims they were programmed to victimize.

They don't know that, after the time loops, they'll be spiritually executed to never get born in the replay of this timeline after it's been undone.

Their tiny zombie minds can't comprehend the pre-crime preexistence mode that's in play here to protect the next timeline and the real world (beyond that) from them.

Zombies are not allowed to like the existent (those who, for sure, exist beyond this timeline).

Zombies are not allowed to buy the content, services or products of the existent.

So we placed links to content and ministries that zombies are not allowed to like, buy or donate to as an effective zombie test.

What will YOU do when presented with the opportunity to place something in your spirit memory that a zombie is not allowed to have there?

This is your test.

The ancient AI wants these authors, artists and entities starved out and hated. Zombies will be obedient to that paradigm.

Some Zombies Can't Even Click These Links!

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